Uriel is a certified Tantra and Yoga teacher in the Atman Federation, and for the past 20 years he has devoted himself to the path of Tantra-Yoga with great enthusiasm. He has spent more than 2 years in silent retreats, practicing meditation and yoga passionately. Uriel cofounded Mahasiddha Yoga and the Integral Yoga Center Amrita in Thailand. He has a master degree in clinical psychology and has written many articles about spirituality and psychology. Uriel shares his love of spirituality, meditation and Tantra in a clear and tangible way, and is an inspiration to many around him.
1. Titlul conferinței susținute de Uriel Yariv în cadrul taberei Mahashivaratri 2023:
„Shiva în aspectul său atotcuprinzător de Mesager al lui Dumnezeu”.
2. Exemplificarea spirituală are ca temă:
„Comuniune intensă, plenară, profundă cu energia subtilă sublimă, nesfârșită și gratuită a Atributului Dumnezeiesc al Conștiinței Dumnezeiești”.