“Spiritual Perfection is attained when imperfection, that is ignorance is completely suppressed.” Gregorian Bivolaru Back


“Any human being who intensely and sincerely aspires towards perfection is balanced, happy, serene and free” Gregorian Bivolaru Back


Aim, almost at all times, to attain perfection in all that you do and in all that you feel, even if you live in the middle of a decadent society, from the spiritual point of view. By acting in this way, you will remain pure and detached.” Gregorian Bivolaru...


“No matter which is ideal that we want to aim at, we can only achieve in a perfect way, if we achieve perfection within ourself.” Gregorian Bivolaru Back


“The difficulties confronted by a true VIRA, shall never make him flinch from them, but as a powerful man, endowed with character, when he properly faces the difficulties, then he becomes aware of his virile force and in this way he transforms and perfects himself.”...