“If you haven’t succeeded at first, even though, you had used an adequate method, keep on exercising, full of perseverance, until the point, when one day, you succeed. This is the fundamental secret of success.” Gregorian Bivolaru...


“Once you have decided to climb the Everest peak, you must prove a lot of strength, patience and perseverance. Similar is the situation of those engaging unto the spiritual path, which, afterwards, must be attended and never abandoned.” Gregorian Bivolaru...


“Perseverance is the corner stone of triumph” Panchatantra Back


“Through Perseverance we can win over destiny, no matter what that would be like.” Latin cogitation Back


“Never cowardly avoid difficulties and the obstacles that you’re confronted with throughout your life. Be full of courage and tenacity, because god is always with you. The Braves and kind at heart are helped by God.” Gregorian Bivolaru...