Premananda is a highly experienced and dedicated Yoga and Tantra teacher that has practiced spiritually since the early age of 12. Engaging in the intense practice of the Mahasiddha lineage from 1989, at the age of 19 he confirmed and validated through his own experience and achievements the extraordinary results of this path.
Living the ultimate and fundamental spiritual experiences after serious training in all the major modalities, from powerful tantric practices to long meditation retreats, he is eager to pass his knowledge to everyone who aspires to transform spiritually. Teaching actively in India and other countries for over 30 years, starting in 1991, he specializes in Yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda and Kashmir Shaivism. Being a medical doctor with a speciality in sexology, trained at Oxford University, he combines the wisdom of both the Eastern and Western approaches to spirituality with effective and proven results.
1. Titlul conferinței susținute de Premananda – Andrei Popa în cadrul taberei Mahashivaratri 2023:
„Un itinerariu spiritual de la copilărie către Absolut prin grația nesfârșită a lui Shiva”.
2. Exemplificarea spirituală are ca temă:
„Starea de identificare perfectă cu Ghidul nostru spiritual prin procedeul simplu și eficient bazat pe Arta Binecuvântării și energiile distincte ale punctelor cardinale”.