Spontaneous Mystical Ecstasy
– A Fascinating Mystery of God Worship


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The 4th Edition VIRA IN A PROLONGED EXTASY Initiatic Men’s Camp takes place exclusively online and is intended for all men within our Spiritual School who aspire to fully awaken their exemplary state of Vira!

The camp program has been designed for the online version in such a way that it allows everyone to participate in as many of the camp activities as possible, activities that you can revisit several times during this camp. More details here.


The theme of the camp is Spontaneous Mystical Ecstasy – a fascinating mystery of God’s worship and we will enjoy his sublime and delightful grace together. The topics addressed, the spiritual exemplifications, as well as the special spiritual techniques that we will realize together will open us to this fascinating mystery of worshiping God and experiences of sublime ecstasy.


SPECIAL BONUS: Men who will sign up by Thursday, 6 October 2022, they will be able to watch, on October 10-11-12, the conferences from the camp “Vira in a prolong ecstasy” 2021!


Camp theme:

Spontaneous Mystical Ecstasy – A Fascinating Mystery of God Worship

In this camp, special aspects related to the mysteries of spontaneous mystical ecstasy will be revealed:


  • Premiere lectures of the spiritual guide
  • Thematic conferences
  • Special examples supported by our Spiritual Guide
  • Spiritual accounts of authentic experiences of Divine Ecstasy
  • And much more


PThe people who will register in the camp will have access to the materials exhibited in this camp for a period of 30 more days after its conclusion, based on the code received during registration.

The main ideas of the camp:


        • Total abandonment before God is what generates the manifestation of a divine ecstasy. The state of abandonment leads to a transcendence of the ego. The essential thing is that we enter the states of divine ecstasy through this overcoming of ego conditioning. Because in fact everything you discover then is in you, it is the essence that contains everything.


      • In SAMADHI (divine ecstasy), the object of mental concentration and deep meditation comes to shine alone in the expanded field of the yogi’s consciousness. At the same time, the subject-object, knower-known duality disappears completely.(Gregorian Bivolaru)

    The speakers of this edition

    Gregorian Bivolaru

    Gregorian Bivolaru

    Yoga teacher Emeritus

    Aurel Militaru

    Aurel Militaru

    Group Coordinator Mahavira Ananda

    Adinathananda (Catrina Nicolae)

    Adinathananda (Catrina Nicolae)

    Yoga teacher, Shaivism and the author of several books on Shaivism, Yoga, Tantra, alchemy, initiatory art, etc.

    Monete Uriell

    Monete Uriell

    Yoga teacher

    Pohariu Ioan

    Pohariu Ioan

    Yoga practitioner, professional actor and founding member of three Cultural foundations

    Elinor Selea

    Elinor Selea

    Yoga teacher

    Dochinoiu Lalita

    Dochinoiu Lalita

    Yoga, tantra teacher and coordinator for Shakti groups

    Popescu Simona

    Popescu Simona

    Yoga, tantra and general practitioner teacher

    Andrei Gămulea

    Andrei Gămulea

    President of AMN Romania, ayurveda lecturer and coordinator of ayurveda courses, with a remarkable activity of over 25 years in this field

    Prof. Bartha Zoltan

    Prof. Bartha Zoltan

    Founder and president of the "Helios" School of Astrology, yoga instructor, astrologer, lecturer

    Newton Benedict

    Newton Benedict

    Teacher of Integral Esoteric Yoga, Tantra, Astrology and Kashmiri Shaivism

    Dr. Luca Cătălin

    Dr. Luca Cătălin

    He has been practicing Yoga for 30 years, with the same enthusiasm as at the beginning, and is a Tantra teacher

    Torp Andronicus

    Torp Andronicus

    Practicing yoga

    Iftimi Albanelin

    Iftimi Albanelin

    Yoga instructor and self-discovery group coordinator

    Aida Călin

    Aida Călin

    Author, life coach, spiritual psychotherapist with an integrative approach and yoga instructor

    Crina Atomulesă

    Crina Atomulesă

    Founder of Esoteric Massage Academy, femininity trainer, esoteric massage trainer, psychologist, enthusiastic yoga practitioner.

    Cristian Alexandru

    Cristian Alexandru

    Researcher in the field of Frontier Sciences

    Aurora Nicolae

    Aurora Nicolae

    Ayurveda lecturer and vice president of AMN Romania

    The subtle support of the spirit guide will help us live together in the heart the model states that will be exemplified and that will help us take essential steps towards perfection.


    Camp attendees will be able to ask substantive questions about the content of the conferences. These questions, as well as certain suggestions or proposals, can be sent either to the address virainextaz@gmail.com or directly in the form on the Contact page.


    Please remember that the program, although rich, is completely optional!

    Camp cost and payment methods

    The cost of participating in this camp:

    • 90 euro for Mahavira Members, students of our Yoga, Shivaism, Tantra and Ayurveda courses
    • 65 euro for Yoga, Shaivism and Tantra Instructors, Ayurveda Lecturers, Mahavira Coordinators
    • 45 euro for men in spiritual settlements.


    Modalități de plată

        1. Plata cu cardul (se va realiza din formularul de înscriere).
        2. Ordin de Plată (OP) / Transfer bancar
          Asociația Mahavira Ananda
          Cont: RO77 RNCB 0072 1702 0450 0001
          BIC – RNCBROBU
          Banca Comercială Română – BCR
        3. Prin intermediul coordonatorilor Mahavira Ananda

      In order to fully benefit from translation into languages other than Romanian and English, it is necessary to have at least 10 people registered by Octomber 6 2022.