
online mixed spiritual camp

March 4th - 8th, 2024

The gradual deepening of the deep and exemplary resonance with Shiva, which prepares and opens our being to the Grace of Shiva, which is bestowed in a unique and privileged way in the sacred moment of Mahashivaratri

Organized by the esoteric group Vira®

Mahavira Ananda

The MAHASHIVARATRI 2024 Spiritual Camp takes place exclusively online and is intended for all men and women of our Spiritual School who aspire to deepen the intense, plenary and profound resonance with the Great God SHIVA!

We enthusiastically invite you to celebrate the Great God Shiva together in the second edition of the Mahashivaratri Camp, through which we aspire to be prepared, with the subtle-telepathic support of our spiritual guide Grieg for the “great spiritual night of Shiva” – MAHASHIVARATRI, the sublime night of the bestowing of Godly Grace…


About the Mahashivaratri, the Spiritual Guide reveals that it is “one of the holiest spiritual nights of the year… and if we are properly prepared, it can transform us profoundly and permanently, by the mysterious grace of Shiva. If we are prepared, we will receive many godly gifts on the most uplifting celebration of the year. We all have this wonderful possibility, just waiting to be fully manifested in us. It is therefore in our power to choose this miraculous opportunity HERE and NOW.”


The unique topics approached by the lectures, exemplifications and special spiritual techniques that we will perform together, with the subtle support of our Spiritual Guide, will open our soul to the mysteries of Shiva’s spiritual heart and will prepare us to receive Shiva’s Mysterious Grace!



Benefits of participation:

  • 5 days – 5 fundamental poses of Shiva
  • 15 thematic lectures in premiere
  • LIVE interactive meeting with yoga teacher Nicolae Catrina (Adinathananda)
  • Sacred ceremony of intense, full and deep communion with the Infinite sphere of force of Shiva
  • Subtle perceptions contest (in three stages) with surprise prizes
  • Outstanding documentaries and thematic films
  • Brilliantly inspired artistic moments


People who register by wednesday, February 28, 2024, will receive a special bonus: they will be able to listen to the lectures of the second edition of the MahaShivaRatri Camp in 2023 from March 1 – 3th, 2024!

Camp theme:

The gradual deepening of the profound and exemplary resonance with Shiva that is bestowed in a unique and privileged way in the sacred moment of Mahashivaratri.

During the camp we will listen to the Spiritual Guide’s presentations on the 3 fundamental aspects of Shiva:


  • SHIVA CHANDRASHEKHARA – Shiva as the perfect Divine Protector of the complementary divine principles
  • SHIVA UMAPATI – Shiva as Uma’s lover
  • SHIVA DAKSHINAMURTI – Shiva as the divine teacher bestowing liberating wisdom
  • SHIVA KANKALA – The divine hypostasis of Shiva that makes it possible to quickly transcend worldly temptations
  • SHIVA BHAIRAVA – Shiva, transcendent and ineffable, who manifests in the mysterious night of divine revelation, Shivaratri


People who register for the camp will have access to the camp’s materials for an extra 30 days after the end of the camp, based on the code received at registration.

The force-idea of the camp:


    • MahaShivaRatri, this deeply mysterious and sacred night is coming soon.
      Let us all aim to experience it as one of the most important spiritual events of our lives. Let us remember at least every moment of this night that our essential goal in this existence is the realization HERE and NOW of God the Father and, full of love, let us approach Shiva with our hearts aflame.
      Let us climb, inspired by gigantic aspiration, to the summit of the holy mountain Kailasa – which is permanently within us, at the level of the coronary centre (sahasrara) – to experience as profoundly and plenary as possible the mystical presence of Shiva in ourselves, as our own Immortal Self – Atman – which ceaselessly permeates the whole Macrocosm. (Gregorian Bivolaru)

    Cost of the camp and payment

    Cost of participation in this camp:

    For Romania:

    • 195 Ron for entries from 8 to 28 February and 225 Ron for entries from 29 February to 8 Marchfor yoga, tantra, shaivism, ayurveda students respectively
    • 175 Ron for entries from 8 to 28 February and 205 Ron for entries from 29 February to 8 Marchfor yoga, tantra, shaivism instructors, ayurveda teachers, Shakti group coordinators, Mahavira coordinators

    For abroad:

    • 75 euro for entries from 8 to 28 February and 90 euro for entries from 29 February to 8 March for yoga, tantra, shaivism, ayurveda students respectively
    • 65 euro for entries from 8 to 28 February and 80 euro for entries from 29 February to 8 March for yoga, tantra, shaivism instructors, ayurveda teachers, Shakti group coordinators, Mahavira members and coordinators, people from the ashrams.


    Payment methods

        1. Payment by card (to be done from the registration form)
        2. Payment Order (PO) / Bank Transfer Asociația Mahavira Ananda Account: RO77 RNCB 0072 1702 0450 0001
          BIC – RNCBROBU
          Banca Comercială Română – BCR
        3. Via Mahavira Ananda coordinators

      In order to fully benefit from translation in languages ​​other than Romanian and English, a minimum of 10 people must be registered by January 25, 20223.

      Tonight let us think moment by moment about the mystic Shiva and Shiva alone. Tonight, to him or her who asks, Shiva will give. May this night the supreme grace of Shiva pour down upon us and fill our whole being forever….

      Gregorian Bivolaru

      The subtle support of the Spiritual Guide will help us to experience together in our hearts the model states of communion with Shiva which will be exemplified and which will help us to take essential steps towards enlightenment.


      Camp participants will be able to ask intelligent questions about the content of the conferences. These questions, as well as some suggestions or ideas can be sent either to or directly in the form on the Contact page.


      Please remember that the programme, although very rich, is optional!