The camp program includes:


  • Premiere lectures of the spiritual guide
  • Thematic conferences
  • Special examples supported by our Spiritual Guide
  • Spiritual accounts of authentic experiences of Divine Ecstasy
  • An exceptional ritual of intense, complete and deep merging with Maha Shakti, performed in unison with wonderful women integrated into the camp “Shakti in ecstasy”
  • Exceptional thematic films and documentaries
  • More wonderful spiritual surprises to be announced soon!


Lecturer / Lecturers

🔥 Universal exoteric and esoteric manifesto relating to the awakening, dynamization and gradual amplification of the occult, beneficial, masculine potentialities that characterize supervirile, loving, refined, intelligent, intuitive, empathic, wise and harmonious men, both physically and spiritually – the part 3

– Gregorian Bivolaru

🔥 Spontaneous mystical ecstasy – an astonishing, fascinating mystery that arises in our being through the worship of God.

– Monete Uriell

🔥 Living a Life in Ecstasy – A Viable Premise or Just a Dream?

– Dochinoiu Lalita

🔥 Specific feminine and masculine attitudes and skills that open our being and allow us access to states of mystical ecstasy

– Popescu Simona

🔥 Some defining landmarks of the traditional Eastern perspective on Ecstasy states

– Andrei Gămulea și Nicolae Aurora

🔥 The revelation of the spontaneous mystical ecstasy and the Divine Mystery on the stage of life and behind the scenes, through the Grace of the heavenly Father and the beloved spiritual Guide, following the process of worshiping the Good God

– Pohariu Ioan

🔥 States of mystical ecstasy arising in the man’s being through the transfiguration of the beloved as Maha Shakti

– Selea Eduard

🔥 The unique experience of the perception of psychological linear time within mystical experiences

– Bartha Zoltan

🔥 The mysterious and ineffable presence of God the Father, which is most often felt through the contemplation and worship of Shakti and which causes spontaneous expansion into heightened states of consciousness and even the emergence of states of mystical ecstasy

– Newton Benedict

🔥 My relationship with God, in its own unique, ecstatic-fulfilling way

– Luca Cătălin

🔥 Moments of Divine Grace poured out following spiritual practice and the aspiration to know God

– Militaru Aurel

🔥 How do you achieve, and how do you manage to maintain, the state of ecstasy

– Torp Andronicus

🔥 The distinct, purely inner “8 + 2” stages that help us experience states of Nirvikalpa Samadhi through frenzied adoration of God, total surrender and legendary heroism

– Iftimi Albanelin

🔥 Live Q&A session

– Catrina Nicolae