
Cătălin Constantinoiu is a student of the MISA Yoga School in gr. 32 of yoga and gr. 29 of shivaism, Bucharest.

He studied engineering-mathematics at the Faculty of Hydrotechnics in Bucharest and was a scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection. Although he began to be interested in oriental studies and to practice yoga on his own since 1986-1987, when, following a profound calling, he researched the writings of fascinating authors marginalized by the ideological prison established by the communist regime, such as Mircea Eliade, N.C. Tufoi, Ion D. Vulcănescu, Sergiu Al-George, Theofil Simenschy, etc., he considers himself a humble beginner in search of what the wonderful title of Eliade’s treatise on Yoga justly claims: immortality and freedom.

The period between the end of 1989 and the first half of 1990 was marked by three major events that contributed decisively for the better to the complex change in trajectory that his life would take: the 1989 Revolution, the contact with yoga courses and conferences of the Spiritual Guide – Professor Gregorian Bivolaru and the discovery of some fundamental texts of Orthodox Christianity.

Subsequently, Cătălin expanded his readings in the field of spirituality and, in parallel, he attended and/or continues to attend courses in the field of Kashmiri Shaivism, spiritual alchemy, Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, etc. taught by Professor Nicolae Catrina.

Also, having as a solid basis the theoretical and practical training within the MISA Yoga School, he had access to some spiritual transmissions in certain branches of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and the kriya-yoga system carried out by several Masters from India and the West.

Among all this, as a crucial aspect, he considers it an honor and joy to be active, alongside many other wonderful spiritual brothers, as a member of the Mahavira Ananda group, supported by the Spiritual Guide through countless unique spiritual impulses and initiations.


1. Titlul conferinței susținute de Catalin Constantinoiu în cadrul taberei Mahashivaratri 2025:

„Unele considerații inedite referitoare la ezoterismul complex al falusului ocult – ca simbol al puterii tainice inițiatice în cadrul societăților inițiatice tradiționale – o cale directă oferită celor inițiați către libertate dumnezeiască totală și nemurire spirituală”

2. Exemplificarea spirituală are ca temă:

„ – ”.